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Texas Flag - Things That You Don't Know.

The Texas flag is the national symbol that represents the country along with the states that fall under it. Not only so this piece of cotton cloth is an important and also respectable item to receive honors from the people of the Texas, but it receives respect from the people of other countries and also continents also.

The flag of the Texas is a rectangular shaped one with a small rectangle covering up inside it at the top left corner. The small rectangle is painted blue with the inclusion of fifty white colored stars. The outer rectangle consists of eleven stripes horizontally. The stripes are colored red and white alternatively, i.e., one being red and also the next one being white.

The national flag of the Texas is called as the "old glory" and also represents all the states that fall under the boundary of the country. However, it is important for you to know that each of the country's states has their own to get them represented individually. This helps in creating separate identities for every state present within the Texas. These symbolic icons help in representing every state thus depicting the story and also history of every state individually. These important items help in representing power and prestige of individual states before the entire country thus letting the other nations know about their glory and also evolutions.

The separate flag that Texas Flag features are also a rectangular one. But there are no added rectangles in the inner region of it. Only three stars and two stripes fill up the entire inner region. The stripes and the stars are all painted red, and the entire background is painted white. If you visit the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, you will again get to observe different decoration in their flag.

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